Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I love coffee. I love its aroma, it's soothing taste (well I cheat a little because I like my coffee a bit sweet) and I love it with pan de sal. Ruther likes the Caramel Macchiato and I prefer Cappuccino.

For all you coffee lovers out there, here are some interesting tidbits:

People who drink coffee are less likely to commit suicide than people who don't.

Coffee beans aren't beans, they're fruit pits.

When coffee first arrived in Europe, it was known as Arabian Wine.

In a 12-year study, it was found that coffee does not - as was previously believed- cause high blood pressure.

October 1st is the official Coffee Day in Japan.

It takes five years for a coffee tree to reach maturity. The average yield from one tree is the equivalent of one roasted pound of coffee.

Coffee cherries usually contain two “beans”, except for the single bean peaberry anomaly. Cherries with three beans are deemed to be a sign of good luck.

Black coffee (without sugar or milk) does not contain calories (less than 1 Kcal.)

Coffee only grows in tropical and sub-tropical regions.

Coffee is the second most actively traded commodity, right after oil.

Coffee has many different varieties, more than 60!

The quality of a cup of coffee does not depend on the blend only but also on the ratio of the amount of water and coffee used for brewing.

Researchers have found that there is no evidence that coffee plays any role in the risk of cancer. According to Takayuki Shibamoto of the University of California at Davis, there are "1,000 different chemicals in coffee, some of which are antioxidants."

It takes 42 coffee beans to make an espresso.

Cappuccino is so named because of the drink's peak of foam, which resembles the cowl of a Capuchin friar's habit.

On average, men drink more coffee than women.


Jane said...

Hello Yette, firstly thank you for commenting on my blog, the phone rang early this morning ( getting me out of bed!), it was my daughter very excited because she had seen your comment, we usually only get family. I shall have a nice morning browsing through your blog and already feel better as I love coffee and have always been a bit worried it is not good for me.Regarding the teddies it is only since three of my children have left home that I have had room to display them, enjoy your boys while they are young they grow up too quickly. Take care, love Jane

natolyi said...

Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog!

These are cool fun facts about coffee. I never knew black coffee had no calories. (Guess I should start drinking it black.)