My sister finally made it to MV Doulos last Saturday. She said it was full of people. The queue going into the ship was sooo long she said it was like she was going to a concert. She was able to get some books for the boys. Not too many though. It was okay with me because I told her not to buy books more expensive than those sold at Booksale. I dunno if she got me some as well. But at least she checked it out for me. Last Saturday was the last day of Doulos in Manila. After that, they will be heading for Batangas. Before, they used to go to Mindanao (the big island in the southern Philippines) but maybe because of some skirmishes there, I suppose it's a safer option for them to stay in the Luzon area. I miss shopping for books. I remember back in college, I would spend forever in a bookstore. I just love looking at the new titles, smelling the new paper, searching for just the right book that would make my day. I'm sure, when I go back home, the bookstore will be one of my top priorities of "places to visit immediately". =D

For the past weeks, Ruther and I watched episodes of the Justice League animated series (the ones shown on Cartoon Network). I forget how many episodes there were but I think it was about 50+. I used to watch the Superfriends when I was little. I noticed that there were some differences in the superheroes then and now. For example, Wonder Woman didn't fly before. She used to go around in her invisible jet. In the Justice League, she could fly and her powers are almost as strong as

Superman's. Not that I'm complaining. I mean, I think she's a better superhero without her invisible jet. =) After watching all those Justice League episodes, I suppose my favorite is Hawkgirl. She's feisty and independent and strong but still very much a woman. The wings are a plus too, I guess. =D Besides, she loves Green Lantern and well, Ruther likes the Green Lantern's powers and I think it's just appropriate because in the episodes, she and GL loved each other. =D Cool, huh?
Ruther will be leaving for Manila this Thursday! Can't believe it's so soon! I don't know if he's excited about it. I did ask him because he hasn't been home since late 2004 but he said he's not too excited because we're here and he's there. Hmmm... I don't know if he answered that way for my benefit but I'm still glad he'll miss us when he's away. =P I hope he'll have fun there at least. He really deserves some R & R.
It's another cold morning for us. It started to rain late last night and continued on until probably around 6am this morning. Which is why it's so chilly and so cloudy today. I would have wanted to bring the boys to the playground but I'm sure the swings and the slide will be wet so... oh well, I'll leave that to another day. Looks like we'll simply have to content ourselves with some crafts for Ruther's birthday and Valentine's Day. =D
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