We left Tokaichiba a little after 10pm. It was very cold, around 6 degrees. I made sure the boys were warm and were really bundled up. I also took every precaution to stay warm. Let's just say my outfit seemed to make me 10 pounds heavier than usual. =P Anyway, when we rode the train to Sakuragicho, it was not as crowded as I expected it to be. We were able to get some seats which was a relief. We arrived at Sakuragicho around 11 or so. It was even colder there because of the sea breeze. We soon found a stretch of grass where we decided was a good view of the fireworks. I took several photos of the people and buildings and the lights from the ferris wheel and CosmoWorld. Ruther did some test shots with his camera. Pretty soon, more and more people came near our area. It was getting a bit exciting seeing all the couples, families and friends. As the clock on the CosmoWorld ferris wheel got closer and closer to midnight, everyone got excited. You could really feel it in the air. 20 more minutes... 15 minutes... 10 minutes... 5 minutes... 3 minutes... At a minute before midnight, I turned on the video. 10 seconds... 5 seconds... we started hooting and cheering in anticipation... 4... 3... 2... then everyone shouted and the Nippon Maru, a docked ship near Ruther's office blared its horn loudly which startled Ethan and made him really cranky. As expected, fireworks from CosmoWorld started to shoot up, but disappointingly, it was very amateurish to me. I mean, the pyrolympics in Manila and the fireworks at Disneyland were a hundered times better than what we witnessed that night. In 3 minutes, it was over. I was like, "That's it!?!?!" I was sorely disappointed at the fireworks display but still glad for the experience. We headed back to Sakuragicho station and when we got to Higashi-Kanagawa, we found out that the train that was supposed to bring us back home has ended its run for the night. We were stranded. So, we had no choice but to take a taxi. We exited the station and waited at a taxi stand for what seemed like an eternity (but i think was actually 30 minutes or so). When we finally got a taxi, I was so relieved and I was even more glad to get into a warm vehicle. We got home in no time because there was no traffic. The boys were even more glad to be home and to get some much-needed sleep.
2007. Another full year ahead. Lots of dreams to accomplish, lots of memories to make and treasure, lots of stories to relate about love and life. Here's to a wonderful year to all of us! Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year
The wheel looks spectacular. Did the boys enjoy it despite being so tired?
I'm loving reading your blog - thanks for leading me here by your comment, best wishes, Katie
Happy New Year Yette. I hope you have a great year accomplishing all the goals you have set.
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