Thursday, February 08, 2007



It's Ruther's birthday today!!! He is now 32 years old. I am so glad we are celebrating his birthday together. I am so happy that we are here with him. Last year, I was really sad that we were apart because I really really value family celebrations and I really didn't like not celebrating together. So, today, am just happy, happy, happy. =D


I made some baked macaroni for Ruther's baon today. I wanted to make lots actually, for him to share with his officemates during lunchtime but it can get really crazy in the trains during rush hour and I'm sure he didn't want to be covered in sauce when he reaches the office, so I just made enough macaroni for him and for me (for lunch).


Ruther said that to treat his friends forhis birthday, we'll just have karaoke on Saturday at Kamoi. He said it'll be the cheaper option, plus, it'll be fun too. =D I asked him if he wanted to have the celebration with his friends, that we will give him the day to have fun with his friends but he said he wanted us there too. He's such a sweetie... =D


Tonight, Ruther will buy some KFC chicken for us and we will have dinner here at home instead of eating out. It would be nice to have some photos to document this day. =D

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Happy Birthday to Ruther. I hope you all have fun with the celebrations. =D
Take Care x