Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I watched the latest episode last Monday. When it got to the "detour", Rob and Amber had a difficult time with the task and all because Rob misspelled "Philippines". He spelled it as "Phillipeans". I know not many people know about the Philippines but this was the first time I ever saw my country spelled that way. The most common mistake is usually doubling the letter "L". Spelling it as "Phillipeans" makes me think like we belong to a country named Phillip (you know, like the Galileans, Canadians, etc.) It was kinda sad/disappointing that Rob and Amber were eliminated in that last episode. They were very competitive and really played hard. But it's okay. I think these 2 got a lot of media exposure since Survivor and I think other teams deserve the attention and glory (for a change). So, goodbye Rob and Amber. And don't forget, it's "P-h-i-l-i-p-p-i-n-e-s". =D

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