Saturday, March 31, 2007


"There aren't enough days in the weekend.”


We are going to beach tomorrow. It's the 85th birthday of my mom's uncle (which I mentioned in an earlier post) and his children wanted to have the luncheon at the beach. I think it will be nice to have lunch with relatives. It will be great to be bonding with all my aunts, uncles, titos, titas and cousins. It will be a learning experience for the boys too. They will get to know their relatives on my mom's side and at the same time they will learn some things about the beach.

It's actually not a typical beach because it's kind of rocky. But it still is picturesque so I hope to get some good shots tomorrow. I just hope it won't be too hot and crowded because tomorrow is a Sunday. I hope everyone will have a lot of fun! I'm going to prepare later all the things we'll be bringing tomorrow, after we get back from dinner (we are eating out again tonight). I just don't want to forget anything when we are at the beach. My mom will be bringing some pansit to contribute to the food. I can't wait to eat lechon tomorrow! Yummy!


I am actually enjoying the early morning exercises with mommy. Not only do I feel energized for the whole day, but I know those exercises are helping me to lose weight. So for the rest of my stay here, I hope to be able to go with mom and dad as often as I can. I also plan to bring the boys maybe once a week just to let them see the place and to expose them to different forms of exercise.


I watched the movie 300 yesterday and what do I think? I can only say... OH. MY. GOD!!!! Gerard Butler rocks!! I watched him when he played the Phantom in the Phantom of the Opera and he already blew me away with his singing voice. But this time? He really proved that he could take on new roles and get out of his comfort zone (it's a loincloth for goodness' sake! gotta give him some credit.) I liked his partner in the movie, Lena Heady who plays Queen Gorgo. I think they had wonderful chemistry in the movie, not to mention the steamy lovescenes. Woohoo...

I think the movie was gory and really bloody. Definitely an adult movie because of the killings the blood, the decapitations, etc. But I understand why it was necessary. It is after all, a war movie.

Ruther and I talked about it last night. He watched it a few days earlier than me and so he had to wait until I was done with the movie before we could talk about it. We agreed it was a "fun" movie to watch. It is just so dissimilar from the usual movies so it was like a good break from all the bad movies I watched previously (remember Alexander? B-o-r-i-n-g...).

I just felt a bit disappointed that Ruther and I did not watch 300 together. Oh well...


I think Mel Gibson needs more anger management sessions. 'Nuff said.


Anonymous said...

I fancy watching '300' as well, but shall probably do so alone - Jenny only likes romantic comedies (preferably with Hugh Grant!!), whereas I'd like to take in some more varied films, so it leaves little chance of going to the cinema together, unless it's with the children!

:P said...

oh my goodness! you will like the film. it's a typical guy movie with all the action and creative shots. you will appreciate it, if not for the Frank Miller inspiration, then for the great acting done by Gerard Butler. Whenever he yells, "Spartaaaaans!!" it sends chills down my spine. tell me what you think of the movie when you do get to see it, okay? =D

thanks for dropping by! =D