Monday, April 16, 2007


I woke up this morning feeling like someone punched me in the face the night before. My eyes were puffy and I had a hard time opening them the first time. This usually happens when I cried the night before so I was not really surprised that my eyes were like this. Am I feeling a lot better this morning? I’m still not sure. Frankly, I don’t want to think or feel or assess anything at all. I just want to go about my day without worries that by tonight I might be in tears once again. Maybe I’ll handle it, maybe I won’t. But I know who I am and I’m happy with who I am and I know that I can live with that.

You must all be thinking, “What the h*** is she talking about?” Well maybe someday I just might tell you…


mitzh said...

I hope that you'll feel much better whatever it is that you're going through right now.

Sometimes life gives us rain, too much cloudy days at times, maybe a bit of storm every now and then.
But at the end of it all there will always be rainbow.

Smile, k? Take care and hope that you and your family are all doing well.
God bless!

:P said...

thanks a bunch!

i do hope things will be brighter in the following days. i have a lot of things on my mind and sometimes, they torture me but mostly, I know I have to figure things out on my own. i'm trying to come up with a solution by myself and well, maybe i'll share that in my blog later on.

thanks for dropping by! i do appreciate the message! take care!