When I was around 10, my dad enrolled me and my siblings in a summer golf clinic. My sister and I were not too keen on that because summer is terribly HOT here and the idea of spending 2 hours under the sun was not our idea of fun. My brother also complained about this because he hates to walk long distances. But after the first few weeks of training, we learned to appreciate how challenging golf is; not as a competition with others, but as a competition with yourself. Yes, golf is actually a mind game if you consider the strategy, ball placement, choice of clubs, wind factor and stroke techniques.
After that summer clinic, I really became quite proud of my dad for all his accomplishments, for sticking to the game no matter what and for finding his lifetime sport. Of course, my sister and I no longer play now because 1. it's just too darn hot to stay under the sun, 2. our skin can no longer repair itself as well as before, and 3. golf is an expensive sport. Badminton is now my lifetime sport I suppose (and my sister's). Capoeira is my brother's. And even if we no longer play, we still appreciate everything we learned about it.
My dad is 56 years old. And he still plays so well. Last week, he won first place in a tournament and came home with a washing machine. How cool is that? My mom used to complain a lot when my dad plays on the weekends but I think she understands now. And likewise, I also understand when Ruther goes out with his friends every Saturday for a game of badminton. So go ahead, dad. Keep on playing... =D
Over-all Champion, my dad.
Some of the many trophies my dad won. There were a lot more in the basement but I was not able to get a photo of those.
you must be very proud of your Dad, my son plays golf but gets very frustrated when he plays badly!
Take car, Jane x
oh yes, golf is a very frustrating game, especially when it gets worse after every hole. =D but i'm glad that my dad really enjoys the sport and is good at it. =D
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