Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I haven't been reading the paper for quite some time now because of all the horrible news. It's been quite depressing so I decided to let a few days (after elections) pass before I picked up a newspaper today. Fortunately I was able to find some good news that I'm quite happy to share...
  1. WHO urges countries to ban smoking in indoor public places
  2. Company gives women employees ‘milk’ break
  3. Philippines to create competition-ready solar car
  4. 5,000 cops to secure Metro Manila for June school opening


Mec said...

am keeping my fingers crossed for the smoking ban!

ever since i was young talaga, i was anti-smoking na... lalo na ngayon nga na i'm going to be a parent na, and i lost a nephew t cancer (kahit hindi result ng smoking, eh smoking causes a lot of cancers pa din)

:P said...

me too. i have always been against smoking so i am very fortunate to have a husband who doesn't smoke. unfortunately, my father-in-law does so i try my best to stay away (and my boys as well) from him when he's smoking. we all know that secondhand smoke is more dangerous...

hopefully this ban will take place soon so we could all lead healthier lives. =D