Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I've been tagged by Amy. =D

The Rules: Each person tagged gives seven random facts about themselves. Those tagged need to write in their blogs seven facts, as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag seven others and list their names on your blog. You have to leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and need to read your blog.

Here goes:

1. I love sunsets. I could spend every afternoon watching sunsets if I could. I love the colors, the quiet, the emotions that are evoked in me. Love love love it.

2. I am a Cancer. Everything said about Cancerians applies to me 90%, I believe.

3. I want to have my own business someday. Maybe breeding dogs, or owning a pet shop, or opening a day care center, or a small boutique.

4. I hate cockroaches but I hate mice and rats even more.

5. Ruther was my one and only boyfriend.

6. I want to learn how to play the drums.

7. I am in love with love.

Hmmm... I am tagging Mommy Melisse, Mommy Kathy and Jenny!


mitzh said...

awww that so sweet and Ruther's lucky that he is your one and only love and first love as well...

Sunsets are the best, I must admit.

Goodluck on your future business in advance! I pray that it'll be successful.

Jenny said...

Thanks for tagging me Yette. That was fun:-)
Take Care

:P said...

thanks mitzh!

ruther is really my soulmate, I believe that so much. =D i just can't function well without him.

:P said...

hello jenny! i'm glad you replied to the tag and I'm even happier that you had fun! =D take care!