Friday, May 11, 2007


Yummy jello! Took a photo of it before the boys gobbled them up. =D


g said...

Lovely photo. I like the colours to. :D

(Visiting from Mitzh's blog btw.)

Amy said...

Jello is so fun!! Every year for Easter we make Jello Jigglers eggs, just for our adult selves, because they're so fun to eat. :)

:P said...

hello g! nice to see you here! =D i thought the colors were cute which is why I decided to take several photos of the jello. =D

i agree, amy! jello is loads of fun! my mom used to make jello eggs when we were little but i suppose she no longer has the patience for it now. =D

mitzh said...

I love Jello, specially the homemade ones.

Nice picture, cute colours...

:P said...

my mom usually makes the homemade jello or gulaman as we call it. i haven't perfected that yet because mine end up with some bubbles but i'm getting there. hopefully, by the time the boys are big enough, i would be an expert in making jello eggs. =D