Thursday, May 24, 2007


I so dislike prissy people. One who thinks that he or she is better than all the rest. One who believes in saying whatever he or she damn well pleases but hurts other people in the process. Some people say, "Be true to yourself". Sure, I believe that. But I also believe that in being true to oneself, we have to be mindful of others. This is why we are given a conscience. To guide us. We don't just do things just because we feel like it. We have to weigh, we have to gauge if our actions will have consequences later on, we have to watch out lest we hurt others.
Some people are braver than others, some hearts are made of stone. Maybe that's how they can stop the emotions coursing through them, because there are times when they don't feel anything at all.

I wonder at times about how different everyone is. True, I cannot please everybody but at least I do TRY to understand the situation and make sure that everything's okay or will turn out okay. I think that life is too short to make enemies. I think that life should be enjoyed, should be shared, should be a rainbow-color of emotions. Why be nasty, why be so inconsiderate and trample on others' feelings? Why suffer anger and resentment when you could be deliriously happy and carefree?

I have recently been tagged by 2 nice friends. It was such a pleasure because this is actually my first and second time to be tagged and I find tags very useful in self-recognition and self-realization. I did have loads of fun replying to the tag. I admit, some tags I've read are corny but others are downright intellectually overwhelming and stimulating. Anyway, I selected a few friends and tagged them, as well as "everyone else who wants to be tagged". I was happy to see that some of them were game even if I mentioned in my post that they did not have to do the tag if they didn't want to. However, I was particularly hurt at one instance. I found out that a blogger friend detests this kind of "games". I would have let it go if he/she simply did not give me a small excuse not to do it, after all, I did say in the post that it's okay not to reply to it. But then, after visiting his/her blog, I found out that I was mocked for tagging him/her. Of course, I was hurt. I mean, what is so different from being tagged and writing about yourself everyday? What is so different from saying "I like french fries" and "I adore Ferragamo shoes"? I would have let it go if he/she explained to me his/her refusal to reply to the tag. I suppose I wanted to understand why. We are after all, entitled to do whatever we want in this world. I just thought that he/she would be more forthcoming with me and would not mock me for something that I was not aware of: that he/she did not like to be tagged. Well, my bad. Never again will he/she be included in my list. I suppose that would make him/her happy.

And no, I'm not being sarcastic.


:P said...

hey there!

thanks for dropping by! =D

mitzh said...

eeep! is this me???

am really not good with tags.. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm sorry from being such a poop when it comes to this game...

But I agree, you should politely let the tagger know that you're not up to doing it.
I did let you know that I'm not up to doing it.

:P said...

no, not you, mitzh... no worries! =D

i like tags. maybe if it's a stupid tag I could refuse but when it's something that defines me, then why not? =D

Amy said...

My initial reaction to tags is always, "Ugh, now I have to sit down and come up with something." Then I actually do it and have a wonderful time. :)

I'm sorry your friend reacted that way...maybe they were already having a bad day and, not liking tags to begin with, overreacted?

g said...

Hey Yette!

I have to say, I hate tags. Once you succumb to one people assume it's ok to tag you over and over again with stuff they won't bother to read anyway... and I base this having blogged at a social-networking site.

Five things I wrote about myself for example: no. 1 was, I hate tags. Two days after, I get the same freaking tag. Apparently I wasn't read the first time.

Sorry you got mocked by a particular person... I was thinking, could it have been me?
Then I checked the date on your first tag and you wrote it May 21st. I had a "don't freaking tag me" post May 17th, so maybe it's not me. Then again I don't see myself on your posts with the tags anyway. So no worries. :D

People have different perceptions of tags. Don't be offended. I've been tagged with nice things about books and wishes, and they weren't bad tags at all. But for some reason some people take it like it would be such a curse not to pass it on.

Like I always say with those chain things, the chain stops with me. So my personal rule is, when I get tagged, I ignore it, and spare people by not passing it on. Lists can be made anytime anyway.

Be well, Yette. ^_^

:P said...

hi amy!

yes, you're right. maybe my friend was simply not in the mood. but all i wanted was for him/her to be forthcoming. that's not so hard to ask, is it? i would have appreciated it more if it was explained to me. and it wasn't so i was hurt.

:P said...

THIS is what I'm taking about, g. See? how hard is it to explain to me about personal preference? to you g, i say THANK YOU, for taking the time to make me understand. i really and truly appreciate it. =D and hey, it's not you g! hehehe... no worries on that.

i was not hurt that this friend did not reply to the tag. that would be too childish. what irked me was that this friend 1. gave me a poor excuse, 2. did not explain to me his/her refusal to do it and 3. mocked me in his/her blog. had it been only 1 and 2 I would have let it go quite easily. but it was number 3 that made me go "what the-?" see what I'm talking about?

on the other hand, i don't do chain mails. i think those are absolutely mean and non-Christian. how could you tell someone that something bad is going to happen to him if the chain does not continue? like you, when I receive these in my inbox or through SMS, i simply delete them. i don't take it out on my friends because they don't know how i feel about this. besides, deleting the messages is easy peasy.

i'll say it again, i was not offended that the tag was ignored by my friend. it was the post on his/her blog that hurt me. oh well... i'm trying not to think about it anymore. i'm sure in a day or two, i'll be right as rain. =D life is too short to make enemies, i always say. and i don't harbor grudges. =D

thanks for your post, g! =D have a great day!