Wednesday, May 02, 2007


The Small Print
By Reg Dunlap

A chewing gum called Bust-Up, said to increase a woman’s bust size, has become increasingly popular in Japan.

A Japanese engineering firm has come up with an “air shower” that blasts dust and grime off employees as they enter an office or a building. The large, reverse-vacuum-like contraption will sell for nearly ¥2 million and will be known as the Manner Jet.

Kumamoto City officials OK’d a hospital’s request to set up the nation’s first “baby box,” which allows parents to drop off unwanted offspring anonymously.

A hospital in Nagano Prefecture announced that, in 2004, a woman gave birth via in-vitro fertilization after using her dead husband’s frozen sperm.

A 30-year-old company employee was arrested for abusing his pet ferret after posting a video of himself beating and choking the animal on the internet. “Abusing the ferret was my outlet for everyday stress,” said the man, who admitted to killing “20 or 30 ferrets, hamsters and other animals.”


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