Friday, May 18, 2007


As predicted, the whole election thing was pure and utter chaos. It was so disorganized it was almost hilarious. But it wasn't. It was embarrassing. Cheating, vote-buying, stolen election returns, killings, arson... No wonder a lot of people have very little faith in the government. This is so depressing...


Ruther did not go to work today. He seems to be suffering from a headache that started yesterday afternoon. It's a good thing he stayed home today because I would have worried if he went to work and he wasn't 100% okay. I think he might have tension headache. I told him to simply take it easy, draw the curtains to minimize the light, not to strain his eyes too much and to take an analgesic if it really bothers him.

I wish I were with him right now...


Whaddya know? I finished the book On The Street Where You Live last night. It was such an interesting book and I wasn't able to guess who the killer was in the end, much to my chagrin. I stayed up all night trying to finish it because it was such a page-turner. I'm really happy with the story. Still dunno what my next book will be. Will keep you posted. =D


mitzh said...

I agree Philippine politics are quite embarrassing... We were watching the news last night and I was like 'what's new?' and I'm think if the opposition really bag most of the votes I bet Gloria wouldn't like it, so I guess MORE VIOLENCE???

I hope Ruther get well soon. It's really hard to not feel well and not have someone to take care of you..

You should really be together, soon!

:P said...

i try not to watch the news on tv because I get so affected sometimes. i try to read the news online because i could always screen the headlines and simply read the ones that are interesting for me.

ruther doesn't realize it but i worry about him a lot. it's really hard to be away from him because i'm really not used to this. even if he has projects yearly, i still can't get used to this so yes, i want him to be with us.