Sunday, June 03, 2007


I've been tagged my Mommy Kathy! =D

The rules: Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about himself or herself. People who get tagged need to write a blog entry of their own as well as state the rule clearly. In the end, you need to tag 6 people as well and list their names. Don’t forget to let them know they’ve been tagged!

This took quite a bit of thought. Okay, here goes:

1. I talk to myself. Aloud. But of course, I don't do that in public for obvious reasons. =P

2. When I eat M&Ms, I first sort the color. Then, I eat the extra colors to even them out. Let's say there are 6 browns, 5 blues and 6 yellows. So, I eat 1 brown and 1 yellow first so that I end up with 5 MnMs of each color. Then, after that, I eat one from each color until they are all eaten up.

3. I always eat my burgers with catsup. Always. Ruther knows this because he always forgets the catsup and I say, "What? No catsup?" and he grumbles away back to the counter to get the catsup I needed so badly. (Sorry sweetie!)

4. I like checking Ruther's face for whiteheads and blackheads, which I admit could be irritating especially when he's trying to watch tv. I just can't stand seeing a whitehead ready for plucking and just leaving it there!

5. When I misplace or lose something at home or if I cannot remember the name of a friend I recently came in contact with, it would drive me nuts! I HAVE to know where I placed that fuschia bag or find that class photo of who knows when and I HAVE to put a name on that face!! Sometimes, I would be soooo restless, I'd still be up at 2am. Remember Monica and her shoes in that FRIENDS episode? I'm like that. So I better not lose anything or I won't be able to function well.

6. I have a sensitive nose. If I were to have a mutant power (I said mutant, not SUPER power) it would be my strong sense of smell. In the house, I could immediately tell (before everyone else) if the garbage truck is coming, if something is burning on the stove, if a mouse just died (EWW!) and if it started to rain. Oh yes, scents also trigger a lot of memories for me. Like the smell of cut grass reminds me of our summer golf camp. Gucci Envy, Clairol shampoo, Cool Water, coffee, lavander, and the aroma of barbeque reminds me of Ruther. Ahh... the many memories of home.

Anyway, it said "list 6 weird things", so there you go! I'm tagging Fritzie, Clea, and Moira! Have fun guys! Will email you soon! =D Mwah!


Kristine said...

Hi yette! I do the same thing with M&Ms too! But only when I have a few left of course. My sister always eat the browns last. TC!

:P said...

hi kristine! don't you agree that it's more fun to eat M&Ms that way? =D

take care!