Friday, June 15, 2007


I'm sort of getting this panicky feeling again. I usually have this when I know I have a lot of things to do and don't know where to start. Blame it on the genes. My mom suffers from anxiety attacks and has to calm herself down by taking her meds. Hopefully, my case won't be that extreme years from now. (I hope.)

Anyway, I just feel that there's so much to do around here and I have no idea where to begin. Like the boys' room. I can't start looking for their toys and stuff because even if their room is painted, the floor isn't done yet. And when I say that, I mean the floor has no covering of any kind but is set concrete. So if I haul all of their things in their room, I would have to bring them all out when the workers start laying the vinyl tiles. See? It's just absolutely arrrgh! over here.

Another thing. I can't find any of the boys' books and materials we use for homeschooling. Which is SO frustrating because I don't want to buy workbooks for now because Nikki has a lot of those yet. And I don't even know where to begin looking for those things. And the boys' books/reading materials are nowhere to be found which is frustrating for me because Ethan really loves to browse through books even if he can't read yet. Sigh.

Another thing. My clothes. The only ones I have right now are the ones I brought home to Zamboanga. The others I have yet to look for them. And then if I find them, I don't know where to put them since I don't have a room yet. And if I put them in the boys' room, I'll have to bring them out when the workers lay the vinyl tiles. (Do you see a pattern here?)

Another thing. I'm racking my brains trying to think of ways not to spend too much on things for the boys' and Ruther's and my room. I already asked my mother-in-law if I could make use of the other cabinets around here and just improve them and she gave me permission. This is good because I won't have to buy shelves and cabinets anymore. I will still have to buy bed frame for both rooms though because the present one is very bulky and is very dificult to clean underneath it. Sigh.

I know, I know, I have been complaining like forever but it's just so frustrating. Anyway, let me rant. I'll get over this soon, I know. For now, let me let out some steam so I could be more focused on what to do. I could show pictures of the chaos around here but I would rather spare you the shock. I just hope my room gets done soon so I could start fixing things!! I'm SO itching to begin. Earlier today as I was thinking of the things that had to be done I told myself (I talk to myself as I posted in a tag days before) that it might take me 5 months - or more - to get everything in order. Sigh. Oh well. What else am I to do except wait?


mitzh said...

I complain, I panic. A LOT!

I understand how frustrating your situation must be.

Maybe you can find all those things if you'll do it one day at a time. And before you know it everything will be back in order.

Take it easy, Yette!

:P said...

thanks mitzh. i'm sure you understand what i'm going through since you are more OC than me! hahaha! but really, this is a true test of patience. and closing your eyes to the mess around. =P
