Today I watched an episode of Ghost Whisperer on Star World and I must say that it's an interesting series. Jennifer Love Hewitt is the main star and she's a clairvoyant wh
o could see and talk to spirits. I have always been interested in the paranormal and enjoy shows like Buffy, Charmed, A Haunting, Supernatural, well, you get the idea.

Anyway, so far I liked the story today because it focused on helping a spirit to cross over. When he was alive, Jason (the spirit) just found out that he was adopted and wanted to know who his biological mother was but after getting into an argument with his surrogate mother, he had an accident and died. Thus his quest for answers before he could cross over. It was a touching story but not overlydramatic. So it suited me just fine. Jennifer Love Hewitt is a charming actress and I like stories of finding resolutions and closure (and yes, happy endings). Also, this series has none of those scary looking ghosts (remember Sixth Sense? eek!) so a big check from me for this series.
Might have to check the cable guide to make sure I don't miss any of the other episodes. I already missed a lot of On the Lot episodes and it really bummed me out because I really enjoyed watching that!!
That's what I get for being so easily distracted these days... =(
That show is sooo cool... I have season 1 and 2 hehehe
and the way they show how ghost looks like? Its pretty accurate I must say!
hehehehe trust me I know!
(nuninuni nuninuni nu... )
really? I am so interested in series like this. i might try to watch this when i find the time. =D
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