Saturday, June 23, 2007


British girl, aged two, joins high IQ club

LONDON (AFP) - A two-year-old girl with an intelligence quotient of 152 has become the youngest current member of British Mensa, the international society for highly-intelligent people, it said Friday.

Georgia Brown, aged two years and 10 months, was welcomed into the exclusive club after an assessment by a child psychologist, who was said to be "elated" as the findings were what would be expected for a five or six-year-old.

But the little girl, from Aldershot, in southern England, is still not the youngest member ever to join British Mensa. She missed out by six days to Ben Woods, who joined in the 1990s.

The previous youngest current member was a three-year-old boy with an IQ of 137, who joined in 2005.

Mensa normally only tests people over the age of 10 and a half but accepts younger children who are found to be within the top two percent of the population.

The girl's mother, Lucy, was quoted by the BBC News website as saying that she called in the child psychologist to test her daughter's IQ after spotting that she was a quick developer.

"It's fantastic. We're so proud as a family," she said.

Mensa, which is Latin for table, seeks to identify and foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity, according to its website.

It also seeks to provide a stimulating intellectual and social environment for its members as well as to encourage research into the nature, characteristics, and uses of intelligence.

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