Tuesday, June 26, 2007


A younger us. (And thinner me. =D) Photo taken a few months before we got married. You could already say that I was crazy about this guy then...


Jane said...

lovely photo Yette, don't you look pretty!
Hope you are feeling better now and thanks for the comments you left on my blog. Jenny has shown them where India is as Alex in particular is very keen on geography, Becca just wants her daddy back! I expect your boys are the same.

:P said...

thanks so much jane!

am still somewhat under the weather but hopefully i'm not getting worse. =D

sigh. jenny is lucky that ed will be away for only a month. i could take a month. even three months. but anything more than that affects me a lot. =(

mitzh said...

He is truly blessed to have someone like you!

:P said...

thanks mitzh. =D