Sunday, July 29, 2007


Yesterday, my brothers-in-law Russell and Ron, Tasha (their maternal cousin from Australia), my sis and the boys went to Robinson's Place Manila for a bit of bowling. We all thought it would be nice to go somewhere and have fun. Since my sis was not off from the hospital til around 430pm and since Russell had work til 2pm, we decided to make it a late afternoon thing.

So, Ron, the boys and I left the house at around 3pm. I was getting so impatient because he was sooo slow and when you say "we're leaving at 230pm" I'm in the car by 230pm sharp!! Anyway, we picked Russell up outside the subdivision (to save time) then we went to Makati to meet Tasha. After picking her up there, we then proceeded to Robinson's Place. I texted Ate that we arrived and then we went to the bowling alley. I was worried that being a weekend, there were going to be a lot of people there but turns out, there were a lot of vacant lanes so we did not have a problem picking an out-of-the-way lane for us.

My sis decided to keep an eye on the boys while the 4 of us played. So it was only Russell, Ron, me and Tasha who bowled (in that order). Russell was the best bowler but I did not do too bad myself. My best score was a 95. I suppose that's all right. The most memorable moment was when Nikki and Ethan bowled. Nikki rolled a 7-lb ball first and hit one pin. Then Ethan rolled a 8-lb ball and spared it!! It was hilarious! And everyone had loads of fun. It was such a lovely night, even if it did rain on the way home. Before we left the mall however, I decided to drop by Japan Home Center, a store in the mall. Being inside that store was wonderful. It was like being home in Japan again, if only for a teeny while. It gave me a warm feeling being surrounded by things I know, I saw and bought in Y100 stores in Yokohama. Sigh.

We had to bring Tasha home in Quezon City and that's really far away from where we live so it was quite a drive. Nikki got dizzy and puked a bit in the car. Poor Nikki. =( On the way to Quezon City, we grabbed a bite to eat at Teriyaki Boy (which of course, made me miss Japan all over again). I got some gyoza even if I wasn't too hungry just because I miss the sight and smell of it. But I did eat it of course. =D After dropping Tasha and on our way home, I called Ruther to relay to him the day's events and to say goodnight. Ruther had a slow day in Japan but I was glad that he found some time to take it easy. He really deserves some rest. After that, we rang up my cousin in Zamboanga because it was her birthday and she was really pleased at the surprise. =D

All in all, it was a wonderful day. Still, I wish Ruther was here with us.


Some photos:

At Robinson's Place Manila. Front to back: Nikki, Tasha, Ron, Russ.

Bowling lane number 34. Ron's turn! =D

Nikki rolls his ball and Ethan waits his turn.

Ate, me and Ron with the boys.

Outside Japan Home Center.

My gyoza.

My boys at Teriyaki Boy, Katipunan. =D

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