I know, I know. You don't have to tell me that this movie came out ages ago. I just had the chance to watch it this afternoon and I must say, I really enjoyed it. It was light and nicely done. The story was fun but at the same time, it gave the characters equal exposure. I was happy that Ben Grimm found someone to love because in the first part, it was kind of depressing when his wife left him. Also, at last, a mature Johnny emerged from the egocentricity and rebelliousness. Of course, I am not qualified to review this movie because I'm not a comic book fan nor am I a movie critic, but all I can say is that it was a fun movie to watch and it was highly entertaining. Jessica Alba looked really pretty in the movie and I loved the way she acted there. Very smooth and mature. And can I just say that Chris Evans was so HOT in the movie
? Really sizzzzzzling.... =D

It was kind of weird having to consider something so big swallowing the earth up. Weird and disturbing. Anyway, that scene reminded me of the animated Transformers movie when planets were also consumed by a bigger planet (?). I forgot the name. Maybe Ruther can refresh my memory, being a REAL transformers fan. =D
Anyway, I was glad to watch this movie, if only to have an enjoyable and pleasant afternoon.
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