I never thought that I would enjoy having a rabbit for a pet. I am really a dog person (considering the maaany doggies we have back home in Zamboanga). We used to have rabbits (2 actually) when I was little but they were confined to a cage because my mom was too scared that they would scratch me and my siblings. But I realize now that they are not agressive at all (even if their claws could be sharp). When I see Sushi hopping around the room and I feel like petting her, I pick her up and rub her soft fur. She enjoys it a lot but when she feels hot, she would jump right off and head for the fan. =D Sometimes, when she finds Ethan too loud, she would go to her favorite spot: a corner at the wall where the window is. There, she would stretch and sleep, perfectly hidden from the boys because of the curtain. But I could still see where she was because a paw or her tail would be peeking underneath.
I love that she could go anywhere around the room, eat when she wants to, drink when she wants to and not poop all over the place. She always does her business in the same corner everytime. And it's a good thing it's near the door so it's very easy for me to sweep her little droppings. And contrary to what other rabbit owners said before, Sushi's pee does not stink at all. And she is always clean. Which is why I really don't mind it when she hops onto the boys' low bed and frolics there.
Having Sushi is lots of fun. The boys get to interact with a pet and I don't worry about them getting hurt. Sushi is free to hop around the room and I don't have to worry about messes and forgetting to feed her. So yes, Sushi works for us. Hopefully, we will have her longer than any of the boys' other (now deceased) pets. =D
Here she is munching away. She loves her pellets but enjoys cabbages, carrots and a slice of apple. That's her water in the tin. She is always thirsty!
I think she is becoming a fat little bunny. =D
How cute!!! I always wanted a rabbit growing up, but our dog was a terrier bred for hunting rabbit-like creatures. They would not have gotten along. Now I have June, the dog who ignores everything except rabbits. Those she chases and obsesses over and dreams about and does everything in her power to kill. So I don't think a little bunny friend would be a good idea. I'll just have to enjoy stories and pictures of your rabbit! :)
hmmm, come to think of it, maybe that's why my mom had our rabbits caged when we were little because of our dogs. =D
oh yes, I remember your post about june and that little rabbit she caught. i suppose it really would not be a good idea to have a bunny when she thinks of them as prey. =D
I had lots of bunnies growing up, they were white as snow.. so cute..
And since I'm scared of dogs and had a traumatic experience with cats, I had a goat for a pet while growing up.Her name is Bambi.
Sadly, the bunnies and the goat had to go cause they were destroying my grandma's garden.. :)
Still, I had their memories in my heart.
i think that is so cool having a goat for a pet! =D it's really something new.
Sushi is a lot of fun. Sana tumagal pa siya sa amin. Di ba your daughter has goldfish? How are they?
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