Monday, July 02, 2007


Today proved the adage "When it rains, it pours" right. This late afternoon we had a sudden downpour which was so unexpected that I got wet when I rode the tricycle outside our subdivision to buy some rabbit food (aka vegetables). Not that I mind the rain nor getting wet. It was just so wonderfully unexpected.

The good news is that the air became cool and fresh once more. The bad news is that some of the rain water leaked onto the ceiling of the boys bedroom and part of the floor is wet. Good thing the workers did not place the vinyl tiles in the bedroom yet or it might have been worse! My mother-in-law saw the leak and informed the carpenter about it. So they will attend to that leak tomorrow.


Ruther watched Die Hard 4 yesterday with his friends. He said that it was nice. I still don't know when I will be watching this movie but it might not be at the movie house any more. And I'm fine with that. =D

1 comment:

Amy said...

It's been rainy here lately...a couple days ago it poured like I haven't seen in quite a while. Everyone was running between their cars and the indoors. Everyone complained about the inconvenience, but not about the 20 degree drop in daily temperatures! :)