Monday, July 02, 2007


Yes, that's the floor of our room! It's done! Isn't it bee-yo-ti-ful? I love how nice the room looks now. Even my father-in-law liked it. =D I will have to buy the baseboards yet though.

I was just upstairs in the room when my brother-in-law Russell caught me staring at the walls. He asked me what I was doing. I said I was trying to visualize the furniture in the room because I want to know how to arrange the things in the future. For now, I think we have to do the bedframe first. I was thinking of buying a wooden bedframe but decided against it because 1. it's costly (around P10,000; approximately US$217), 2. I want the bedframe to be functional (I want to make use of the space beneath it), 3. it has to match the theme of the room, and 4. the area where we will put the bed has a window behind it so the bedframe must be custom-made for it to look nice. Anyway, I just chose a simple design for the bedframe. I was thinking of going contemporary Asian but we'll see. For now, I think the bed will be the focal point because it's the largest piece of furniture in the room. I still have to think about shelves and our closet, where to put the tv, and where to put our other stuff. Sigh. But still, I'm glad for the progress. At least this time, I could really SEE it. And now, decorating is not to far away. =D

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