Wednesday, August 01, 2007


I finally got my birthday present from Ruther this afternoon. Tadaa!!

It's wrapped so wonderfully (of course I'm biased because I love anything Japanese) and although I got it from Ruther's officemate, I decided not to open it immediately. I waited until Ruther and I spoke tonight and I opened it. And this is what I saw...

Isn't that cute?!?! I LOVE it. I love the red and black design, I love that Ruther has a similar watch, I love that there are Japanese characters all over the face... love, love, love. I was just sad that I could not give Ruther a kiss as thanks for the wonderful present. =(
Maybe later on Ruther and I could take a photo of our similar watches. That would be cool! =D
Thanks so much for my wonderful birthday present sweetie! Mwah!
The happy recipient...
What do you think? How does it look on my wrist?


Anonymous said...

beautiful! Looks very expensive!

really i guess it isthe thought that matters mostnot the cost of the gift.

thanks for dropping at my page. can i add you up to my blogroll?

:P said...

thanks! i really won't care much if it cost only P100 pesos as long as it has Japanese written on it. hahaha!

sure, no prob! you can add me up! =D