Thursday, August 02, 2007


I was dusting some photo albums yesterday when I chanced upon my pregnancy calendar. It's the one I made while I was pregnant with Nikki. I thought it would be nice to record the pregnancy for Ruther to appreciate later on (because he was not with me during the 9 months). Anyway when I leafed through the pages, it really gave me a nice warm feeling remembering what it was like being pregnant with Nikki. I laughed when I saw this page and read Ruther's reaction...

I remember that I found out I was pregnant during April Fool's Day and when I told Ruther I tested positive he thought I was fooling him. Haha! =D It was nice remembering that...

Anyway, this is another something I wrote in there:


Jenny said...

What a great way of remembering your pregnancy, and sharing it with Ruther.

:P said...

thanks jenny! it was so wonderful reading it all once more. =D

take care!