Thursday, August 02, 2007


Did you hear about that tragic incident at Minneapolis? I was really shocked when I heard about the bridge collapse. All those poor people. According to the news, the center section collapsed first. Looking at the videos and photos, I'm just saddened about it all. What a very unfortunate event. =(


Last night, as I was charging Ruther's celphone (he can't use it out of the country), I wondered why it refused to turn on. I tried to turn it on again and again and still it would shut off after a few seconds. When I removed the charger from the socket and inspected it, this is what I saw:

Sushi gnawed it!! Naughty bunny! I suppose she thought it was a funny-looking toy. Oh well, I could not very well scold her for doing what a rabbit does but still, now I'll have to spend P500 (approximately US$11) for a new charger. Naughty Sushi...


This afternoon I was watching Destination Week on Discovery Travel and Living and whaddya know? Tokyo was featured! Sigh. Talk about wrenching my bleeding heart wide open. Unlike before, when I would watch a documentary about Japan or listen passively at topics, this time, I drank in the sights, the people, the music, the fashion, everything I've missed in a country I've grown to love so fiercely. Every topic was like a tiny electric shock that would make my heart beat faster: manga, ramen, shibuya, anime, cosplay, trains, zen gardens, temples, akihabara, architecture and so much more. If I could only fly...

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