Saturday, September 29, 2007


Can you actually believe that after tomorrow, September 30, 2007 will be in the past? Wow. Three more months and 2007 will be over. One more month and I will finally see Ruther again!! I wish October will be over as quickly too.


I am starting to suspect that Ethan's rash the other day was caused by one of those hairy caterpillars. I found one outside our door last night. How it managed to come into the house, I have no idea. But I am very much relieved that Ethan's itch was caused by this bugger rather than it being caused by something more serious like dengue (my sis actually suggested that to my extreme horror!). There is a vacant lot in front of our house and according to Mama, there are a lot of higad (those hairy caterpillars) there. Well, my experience with a higad was quite unpleasant so I am keeping my eyes open for some stray higad in the house. It rained the whole night so I'm suspecting these insects are looking for a place to get out of the rain. I just wish they wouldn't pick our house!

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