Thursday, September 06, 2007


It's raining again. Wonderful rain to cool the night. It's already 2am but I can't find it in me to be sleepy because of the wonderful coolness. Ruther said that a typhoon is expected in Japan in a few days' time. I'm not sure if the Philippines is also expecting one. Hopefully not. Too much damage is bad. A storm is out of the question (those poor kids stranded really get to me) but a little rain would be refreshing.


I told Ruther this the other day: "You know, I just realized that when we were in Japan, the boys and I never got to play in the rain." Which is true. I felt a bit sad about that. Maybe because I was scared that the boys would get sick in a foreign place, or maybe it just never entered my head, but I realized, I SHOULD have let them play in the rain even once. Sigh. Too late now. God-willing we could still do that next time. I'm sure the boys will have a blast!


mitzh said...

It's funny, I don't allow my daughter to play in the rain here in Japan either. Maybe because I don't see children doing it here unlike in the Philippines.

:P said...

i hope to remedy that should we go back to Japan. =D