Thursday, September 20, 2007



Remember my problem before about hiring a carpenter? Remember the time when I asked for Mama's help finding one so that I could have Ruther's and my room fixed? Then, when that did not happen, I found my own carpenter and so far, I have been so pleased with his work and speed?

Well, today, when I woke up, I found out that Mama and Papa "borrowed" the carpenter I hired to do something else aside from the things I wanted him to do in our bedroom! I was like - "What the-?!" Hello!? Didn't I hire this carpenter for MY room? Didn't I go out of my way to find him so that my room will no longer be pushed back at the end of the line? And now that I am happy with the work and how things are going, AFTER ONLY 4 DAYS, they steal him right under my nose!?!?! My goodness! My frustration this morning really reached record levels, I assure you.

Let me make one thing clear. I do NOT hate my in-laws. I just don't like the way they do certain things. For instance, "borrowing" the carpenter when they specifically know that he is currently working on Ruther's and my room - and on MY hire. I KNEW that they needed Manong's (the carpenter's) help. I WAS TOLD that they were going to have some of the old furnishings restored by him because they will use those in the living room. I KNEW about all those things but they never told me they were going to get him immediately to do those jobs! I mean, hello?!? It's just right that Manong finish the jobs I had him do first before they get him, right? I mean, he is after all, MY hire. So why again am I at the back of the line? Of course, I could not stand it any more. Meaning to talk to my mother-in-law, I called her at the office but she was out. Not wanting to delay it any longer, I asked (take note I wrote "asked" not "told") her through SMS if it was all right for Manong to finish up in my room first before he does her job/s for him. She agreed and tomorrow, Manong will be back in my room to do the things he was meant to do today and the next few days. I mean, in less than a week, Manong will definitely be done with my room. Surely they can wait that long?

My god. Soooo frustrating. I just hate this feeling. I just don't want to be at the back of the line again!! After several days of being so excited and thrilled that my room is now taking shape, my plans will be put on hold because they refuse to hire another carpenter for their needs? Is it because my carpenter is readily available (i.e., he's here in the house) that's why they asked him to do their jobs today? I want Ruther's and my room done. I want to have it painted, I want it decorated, I want it to be livable already! Is that so difficult for me to have? Honestly.

Am I showing any wrinkles yet?


mitzh said...

You did the right thing, Yette. And no it is not wrong to want the things that you want.

Every once in a while we have to know how to get the things we deserve, yes?

:P said...

i'll just be soooo glad when my room gets done... hopefully that's not too far away now...