Friday, October 05, 2007


Today I had to go to the post office to send some food stuff to Ruther. This will be the last parcel I will be sending him because in a month, he will finally be home! Can't wait! I'm so excited! Anyway, I had to wake up early because I decided to go to the post office while the boys were asleep. I just don't want to inconvenience anyone here at home to babysit so I try to do my errands while the boys are asleep. When I got to the post office, the lady there recognized me and we chatted for a bit. I already mentioned in a previous post about how nice it is to make friends in unusual places. =D Anyway, on the way home and before riding a jeepney, I spotted a vendor selling some atis. I love atis so I thought of buying a kilo. I found out that it was only P40 a kilo so I bought 2 kilos! Yummy!! I was also able to buy a kilo of lanzones so I'm having fruits today! Yipee!


I had to have my third molar (upper right) extracted this afternoon. Not only was it unrestorable, but it could barely fit in my upper arch. So I was not too sad that it had to go. I just found out recently that it had a fracture when I touched it with my finger. If I didn't do that, I would not have realized that it was already badly damaged. Well, it's okay. That third molar was too troublesome for me. If it was impacted, I would have had it extracted ages ago... Oh well...


Becky said...

Yette, I found your blog when I was browsing profiles of those with an interest in scrapbooking. I am very interested in family life outside of the U.S.A., and really enjoyed a little glimpse of yours as seen in your blog. Mind if I keep dropping by for visits? And please feel free to drop by mine as well.

:P said...

hi becky! thanks so much for dropping by! hope we could blog-hop frequently. =D take care!