Monday, October 15, 2007


Mhay has bestowed upon me this Friendship Award. Thanks a bunch! Really and truly appreciate it!

When I started this blog, I never thought nor expected to make friends through cyberspace. I just thought this was going to be my online journal, a record of sorts just so I could document our family life and things important to me and my family. Now that I have been blogging for 11 months, I find that making friends and touching lives makes blogging even more fun and more meaningful. So to all of you who have touched my life in many ways, I hope that I too, have made a difference in yours.
You may not pass this on, but I pick you, Mitzh. I will always appreciate the friendship we have formed through blogging. And I pick you Clea, my childhood friend. And Mio, my friend since college. Love you guys...


Amy said...

I am often surprised by the connections I make through blogs. The first time I found myself saying, "The other day a, er, friend, er, who reads my blog had that same thing happen to her..."

I just realized that I spend a little time each day "with" the people whose blogs I read/who read my blog, but don't talk to all the people I know in person nearly as often. I don't even call my mom every day, but I wouldn't know what to do if I couldn't check blogs every day!

StaLira said...

this is so sweet. I've seen here u got plenty of friends. best wishes for a lasting friendship!

:P said...

you're right amy! sometimes, when I talk to Ruther I tell him about some of my "blogger friends". =D i am just so glad that i have made new friends here... =D

:P said...

hello lira!

thanks for dropping by! take care and God bless! =D

:P said...
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mitzh said...

Awww, that was so sweet and really thoughtful of you, Yette. I'm really touched. I will surely pass this on, one of these days.

Really appreciate this a lot! And of course I am so thankful for the friendship that we have found (even if it's only online). Thank you, Yette!

:P said...

you are so welcome, mitzh! =D