Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I am done with my Mary Higgins Clark book so I have started with the Monk book and so far, it's pretty okay. I am about halfway through the book and maybe it's because I spent the afternoon reading and resting because of my cold and drinking lots and lots of calamansi juice. I think it's nice to actually just lay back and relax and just read a good book. Where were the boys at this time? They were outside making a mess as usual but I didn't mind. I mean, they're allowed to make messes once in a while just as long as they put their toys and books back. But it was nice just laying in bed with my book. I should have an afternoon off every week.

We also went to the playground this afternoon. The boys had fun and I was really pleased when Ethan patiently waited for his turn on the slide. Ethan is a very impulsive boy and waiting is really not his forte, but this afternoon I was so proud of him when he was third in line and when I told him to wait, he put out his hand (palm facing me) and echoed me, "Wait first." He was so cute. Of course, I was happy. I told him after that he was a good boy for being patient and a good boy. Hopefully, there will be more surprising days like this...

1 comment:

Rainbow dreams said...

nothing quite like a good book and time to relax and enjoy.. might do the same later this week..