I finally got to watch Memoirs of a Geisha last night. It was shown on HBO so I thought of taking a break from all my studying and watch it. It was really nice. But then again, I alrea
dy read the book so I suppose I knew what would happen next, or who the characters were and the roles they played, etc. The movie was quite riveting. I loved the costumes, the cinematography, the props and all that. But I suppose in a way, I'm a bit biased because I love Japan and their rich history. Li Gong as Hatsumomo really amazed me. I liked her acting so much, even more than Michelle Yeoh's who played Mameha (my second favorite character in the book). I didn't like Zhang Ziyi as the lead actress because I thought Nakama Yukie would have made a better Chiyo/Sayuri. Why? Uhm, well, maybe because she's Japanese!? Sigh. I would have loved to see her in the movie. She's so adorable too. Anyway, I really enjoyed this movie. But when it came to explaining things like the kimonos (ownership, putting on one, etc), and geisha training, the book was (of course) more thorough. And I like those kind of explanations. Anyway, I guess I have to go back to studying now because there's nothing good on HBO today...

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