Saturday, April 05, 2008


April Fool's has come and gone and I forgot to mention something and why April 1 will always be remembered by Ruther and me.

Seven years ago, when Ruther and I were newly married, I found out that I was pregnant on this day. Yup, April 1, 2001 was the day when the strip revealed 2 lines and I discovered that I was going to have Nikki. Ruther was in Saudi at this time so I emailed him the news. I didn't realize that it was April 1 because I was all excited. He, of course, thought I was joking. I told him no and he got it. He knew he was going to be a dad! He was really happy and even wished that I was carrying twins (uh, okay, he's lucky I'm the one carrying the baby for 9 months). Anyway, shortly after that, he gave me a sweet card and a CD recording telling me about his excitement and recorded some songs that were special for both of us.

So yeah, April 1 may be a day of fools for some (which I think will include Ruther and my boys in the future) but for me, it will always be something special. =D

1 comment:

Becky said...

That is so sweet.

That's funny that he thought you were joking at first, lol.