Saturday, April 12, 2008


We had some internet problems yesterday. From late afternoon til evening. It's such a bother really because not only can't I blog (especially if I want to do it in the evening) but I can't have a video chat with Ruther which can be really frustrating. I mean, sure, I could always call him from my cellphone but we don't have to spend much for video chats. Whenever we have an internet problem, it really feels like I'm out of touch with Ruther. I mean, I could always send him a quick message on his cellphone from my email. Or he could inform me he'll be home late and I could read that in my inbox. It's really very reliable. But of course, not when the connection is faulty. Once that happens, it's like being in a blackout. It's so frustrating. Anyway, I hope there will be no internet problems from now on.


I'm still really considering getting that haircut. I just feel that I'll be more comfortable if I have shorter hair this summer. I just wasn't expecting it to be this warm! But I'm still looking for a good hairstyle. I wouldn't want to go to the salon with no idea about a hairstyle at all. I might regret the decision later on. (Hopefully that won't happen.)


I just realized that I haven't been posting much about White Paw, our rabbit. Well, he's doing okay. He's actually HUGE now. He could barely fit in his basket. He's a bit fed up of his rabbit pellets right now so I try to give him veggies. I think the summer heat is making him crave for more juicy choices. =D He's having those flakes on his nose right now (like what Sushi had before) but I try to apply oil on it as often as possible to not let it spread. But aside from that, he's doing okay. Maybe when his nose gets all better, I'll post a nice photo of him again. =D


I can't believe April is halfway over. May will probably be a busy month for us because that's when we start collecting our papers and documents for our visa application for Japan. I'm really really hoping and praying all goes well then. Nikki is already looking forward to seeing his dad so I hope that God will grant us this second chance to be with Ruther in Japan. I think it will be another wonderful bonding experience for all of us. So please please please, help pray with me for this trip to come true for us.


Becky said...

Visa applications to Japan? Woo hoo!!

Does this mean just visiting him for a long period of time, or living there for a while? In any case, that's so exciting for you guys. It's hard having a long-distance family. It's good for you to be together as much as possible.

beevs said...

we also had internet problems the other day. we found out pldt was updating the system and now it's faster than before.

good luck on your visa applications. i hope everything goes well. have a great week. :)