Saturday, May 03, 2008


I suppose time with my parents is what I need right now. We spend most of our days with them and of course, my mom and dad are just too glad for the time with Nikki and Ethan. They have even hinted about sending the boys home with my sister in the middle of May. She's going home to attend her bestfriend's wedding at the end of the month. I'm actually not too worried about the airfare because my parents will definitely shoulder that and willingly so. I'm just worried about how the boys will take being away from me, especially Ethan who still wants to be cuddled in the evenings. Anyway, still have to think about that...

Being with my mom and dad is nice. I miss spending time with them. I like seeing them together and I love that they love each other with so much intensity still. Theirs is a love that is passionate and without a doubt they are really made for each other. I know my mom and dad have different personalities. But they do their best to understand each other and to always prioritize the other. I am amazed at my dad's understanding of my mom's quirks and anxieties and I admire my mom for always believing in my dad even when he does not think too highly of himself (he's quite humble). When I am with them, especially lately, I know that their relationship is something I would want for myself as well. I want something that I could hold on to years from now, something that I know will make every sacrifice in the past worth it.

Tomorrow, we're going to the mall and I am looking forward to it. I'm sure it'll be another exciting day for the boys but for me, I am just glad that it'll be another wonderful day spent with family.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Your parents do sound like they have a fantastic marriage. You are blessed to have grown up in that family.

I'm sure your boys will be just fine, Yette. It's good for mom to have a little time to herself every now and again, too.