Monday, May 12, 2008


The weather these days is driving me bonkers. This morning it was sooo warm and now, it's so overcast and windy that rain is just a breath away. Yesterday was sweltering and the day before that it was raining the whole day. It's just so weird. And now I'm coughing and having this really bothersome itchiness in my throat that can't seem to go away no matter how hard I try to clear it or how frequent I swallow. Nikki is also starting to cough a bit and I'm kind of worried about that. I think this weather is just so unpredictable that it's just well, crazy. Anyway, why am I complaining? I suppose a bit of cold weather is a whole lot better than suffering in humidity and heat day after day, right? Okay, I'll shut up now.


Yesterday was Mother's Day, as you all know. Anyway, I asked Nikki to make this nice picture for Ruther's mom as a homemade present. So, he did is little drawing and signed it and gave it to her. She was quite delighted with his creation. He made this stick drawings of her going to work, watching tv, cooking, tinkering with her cellphone, etc. I actually thought that his drawing was cute. Anyway, I'm just glad that she appreciated the picture. She even said that she was going to show it to her friends at work. I'm sure Nikki is quite happy about that. =D


I am currently addicted to Nintendogs, a game in Nikki's Nintendo DS. It's actually a lot of fun. You get to take care of a dog and earn trainer points and even teach your dog tricks and let it join contests when it's good and ready. You also get to walk your dog and meet other pet owners. My pet is a Chihuahua (female) named Cheetos. I was just fiddling through the games in Nikki's DS after playing some Sudoku and I encountered the Nintendogs game. So I gave it a try. And now I'm quite addicted. But it's so much fun! Anyway, when I earned some money, I got another dog, a Siberian Husky which I named Coco. I looove my doggies. I know it's not the same as having the real thing, but it's really fun and I think I'm going to be playing this for well... who knows how long? =D

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