Friday, July 25, 2008


Ethan was sick a few days back. I was worried about that because he was hospitalized a few days before we left the Philippines. I really didn't want him to be dehydrated again and be confined. He did vomit like 3 times one day (I think it was last Tuesday) and I got so worried. I thought of calling my sis. Ruther even stayed home to help monitor him. It was a really good thing he got better the next day, started eating and by Wednesday afternoon, his fever went away. I was so relieved. My mom gave me this prayer to pray over Ethan and I think (and believe) it helped. So now Ethan is well and hyper and noisy again and well, I wouldn't have him any other way... God is truly good...


Summer has just begun in Japan. I just can't believe the festivities, the many events and celebrations planned. There are fireworks (hanabi), festivals (matsuri), trips to the beach, package tours to summer locations, etc. It's wonderful to see people happy and excited about the celebrations. I would want to see the beach though. I think it would be a nice experience. Maybe one of these days Ruther would take us.


Ruther has started going to the office with short-sleeved polo shirts these days. Now that it's become so warm and humid, they could opt to wear those instead of their long-sleeved shirts and suits. Which I think is a good idea lest the people suffer from heatstroke. I also gave Ruther a trim the other day. His wavy hair was starting to become unkempt and messy so I just trimmed the wavy ends and now, I help him style his hair every morning. You must think he's such a vain person but here in Japan, people are so fashionable and take pains in looking their best so if you don't want to look drab or plain, you must try to be more fashion-conscious. In Manila, I would always be comfortable going out in casual clothes and no make-up. But here, I didn't/don't want to look losyang (dowdy) so yeah, I always choose my clothes and accessories carefully and wear make-up from time to time. I suppose Japan has that effect on me. Also, it always looks nice in the photos when Ruther, the boys and I are all dressed up. :)


Am going to be cleaning and cleaning and cleaning today. Ruther says there's going to be an apartment inspection this Sunday and since we'll be out the whole day tomorrow we won't have time to clean. I already did the kitchen, the living area, and I also cleaned the microwave, the ref, the washing machine area, and dusted most of the things around here. I have yet to clean the bathroom but I'll do that later. It'll be difficult cleaning it when we keep on using it. So I'll do that later. For now, I'm going to grab my book, make myself a cup of coffee and rest a bit. :D

1 comment:

Becky said...

Glad your little guy is feeling better, and hope he'll not be sick again. God IS good!

Sounds like you've been busy! I'm just so glad you all are together again!