Friday, August 08, 2008


We were on our way home from the supermarket this morning when we chanced upon a lonely blue basketball in the bushes at the playground. Of course we were hesitant to get it but when we noticed that we were the only people there, we decided to bring the ball home. Of course the boys were happy with the new toy and of course I was happy that I did not have to spend a yen for it. And I'm sure the ball is quite happy to be out of the sun and to be in a new home now.


I've spent the week cleaning the apartment because another inspection is scheduled this Sunday. Of course, we don't want to waste the weekend cleaning so I tried to clean the areas here a little at a time. We might look for a pair of basketball shoes for Ruther to prevent him from having another sprain the next time he plays with his friends. We might also try going to a nice family place, preferably somewhere with air conditioning because it's just been so hot these past days. Anyway, we could always plan that tomorrow and hopefully, wherever we end up will be somewhere nice and fun.


The boys can never get enough ice cream these days. I really can't blame them in this heat. Whenever we're at Daiei, they beg for a McDonald's soft twist ice cream. Most of the time though, we buy them a big cup of vanilla ice cream and a box of cones and they eat them at home (not all at once of course). Ruther and I love the yummy, sweet and juicy watermelons. They are just so refreshing. It's just been so warm this summer. It's too bothersome to go out during the day not unless it was cloudy. I don't even want to wear make-up these days because I just know it'll just melt away in the heat and from my sweat. So until it gets a bit more cooler, my make-up kit will just have to wait.

1 comment:

Becky said...

What a treat to find a new toy!

Oh, I hear you on the watermelons. Nothing is more refreshing in hot weather.