Sunday, August 31, 2008


Despite the rains, it has been a somewhat nice week for us. Ruther took 2 days off from work and we played Wii, watched tv shows and just bonded with the boys. It was nice. For the first time since we arrived, the boys started wearing their jammies because of the cool rainy nights and they looked so cute. Ruther has been teasing me endlessly about my tolerance to the cold. He said that by the end of October, when it gets chillier, I might complain so much about freezing. That got him a pouty face. Anyway, for now, it's nice to have a bit of cool weather for a change. Summer was nice but it's really not lovely to be sweating buckets the moment you leave the apartment. So yeah, this is definitely a nice change. I just hope that the rains won't be torrential though because that could put a damper to some of our plans.


Since I arrived here, I haven't felt homesick at all. I still don't. It's the same feeling I had the last time I came to Japan. I suppose home truly is where the heart is. I told Ruther time and again that as long as we're together, no matter where we end up, it would be fine with me. I'll cope, make adjustments, continue to homeschool the boys and even look for a job if it means having our family under one roof permanently. For me, being together means a lot and really, there's nothing else in this world that I would want more than that.


The other night, I watched the new Disney Original movie Camp Rock and I have one word to describe it: disappointing. I thought it was going to be another cool and fun show to watch like High School Musical but it wasn't. It was so-so. The plot and script were bad, the acting was so-so, the characters were not that interesting, the songs were forgettable and the movie just dragged on and on. I was so disappointed. High School Musical 2 was a whole lot better than this one. Even Jump In was a whole lot more interesting than Camp Rock. It was just so dull it was sad. I hope that the next Disney movies won't be as bad.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I can totally understand you not being homesick when you're all together in one place. When you're apart and longing to be together, finally getting there means that all is right with the world again. Sounds like everything is Cozy (in your cozy nook)!

Love the new look of your blog, by the way.

And I agree...not everything that Disney rolls out have been hits. In fact, I'm finding that their stuff is on a general decline overall. Some of it isn't even kid-friendly content anymore, celebrating being a kid is apparently passe' as they are instead 'rushing' kids into becoming teens waaay too early. To be wild, I'm not wild about MOST of what they put out these days...though Enchanted was fantastic. But then, a girl always likes a good fairy tale princess movie, lol.