Friday, August 22, 2008


There are so many things I love about Japan. Sometimes it comes to me as I'm walking to the supermarket, or looking out the window or while I'm doing chores. Other times, it comes to me as I encounter or experience it.


The first time I came here I never realized it but in Yokohama, there are always designated areas for smoking. Apparently, you can't just do it anywhere. And should you get caught smoking illegally you will have to pay a fine. I also read somewhere that if you are caught throwing your cigarette butts on the street (like in particular areas in Tokyo), you could pay a maximum fine of ¥50,000. Wow. For someone like me who cannot stand the smell of cigarette smoke (it's just too overpowering for my nose), I think this is wonderful. No more secondhand smoke for me, thank you.


This is one thing we don't do in the Philippines. And I really wish we had to because not only will it teach our kids discipline, they will also learn how to properly segregate trash. When we eat at McDonald's or a similar fast food joint and we're done with our meal, we don't leave the trash on the table (as we do in the Philippines). The first time I had to throw the trash into the bin, I was nervous. But there were illustrations on the doors and observing how the other customers did it, I now know where to put everything (paper, plastic, etc) and which bin to put them in. They even have this funnel-like chute where you pour your leftover drinks and ice into before disposing the cups. I do all the throwing of the trash but next time, I'll teach the boys how to do it. It's never too early to teach them about segregation. =) Oh yes, and another thing I love about cleaning up, it teaches the boys to be conscientious in helping others. It teaches them not to be lazy and to expect to be waited on all the time. It teaches them to be responsible and disciplined. And who wouldn't want their kids to be like that?


This is another thing I love about Japan. When we went to the mall last weekend, I noticed a lot of families taking their disabled loved ones with them. Some had really high-tech wheelchairs and went around independently and others were pushed by
a family member. One mom (at the open parking lot), brought down a stroller and I thought it was for a toddler. The kid who sat there was around 8 years old or so and at first I wondered about it but when I saw the back of her vehicle, a sticker with "Autism" was pasted on it and I understood. It's never difficult going around the malls or shops because elevators are everywhere. Sometimes, at the train station, I would notice a station employee preparing a ramp for a wheel-chaired commuter who had to get on or off the train. Really, it warms your heart to see such concern for people with disabilities. I only wish such concern was as pronounced in the Philippines.

Anyway, will get to do more "things that I love about Japan" later on. For now, this will have to do. =)

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