Tuesday, December 02, 2008


I am undergoing a personal crisis right now. I don't know if I am going to get over it, I don't know if I could let it go that easily. I just know that right now, I am hurting, I am sad and I am in pain. For the past days I couldn't think straight. Maybe that's why I haven't blogged about Nikki's birthday yet (that will come later, I promise). Last Friday I felt like a zombie but Saturday, I felt like my world was falling around me; falling, crashing, crumbling, being demolished by an invisible hand of fate. I have never ever felt anything like this in my whole life. When I am alone, my sadness overwhelms me and I just feel like crying in a corner. Or maybe just sleep for a thousand years, wake up and things will be okay once more. I know that's the coward's way out but right now I just can't deal with the pain. I'm the kind of person who could take and tolerate any physical pain but emotional pain tears me apart. I'm sorry if I am speaking in riddles but I cannot add anything more to this. It's just too personal and too painful.

Sometimes I ask myself why this happened to me. Sometimes I question the universe and its mysteries. But I mostly wonder if I'm ever going to be okay, if I'm ever going to forget this, if I'm going to be whole again and if tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!!!

Becky said...

Awww, Yette...know that I'm thinking about you and praying for you during this personal crisis, whatever it is.

Know, too, that the Lord is always just a prayer away, and is a GREAT listener. Just pour it all out to Him, seeking His wisdom and guidance to get through this difficulty.

((hugs)) Wish I could be there for you during this time, but that's impossible. However, I my sister is living there if you would be interested in meeting up with her. She's a great listener and encourager.