Sunday, February 08, 2009


It's my sweetie's birthday today. We're apart and it's sad and what else can I do but try to be happy and positive? I know I'm whiny but I can't help it. I hate being apart from Ruther. It sucks big time. And I'm the type of person who really appreciates special family occasions. I just hate it when we spend them apart. And I'm not even talking about parties or celebrations. Just being together makes all the difference even if we're all stuck in our small apartment in Japan. Sigh.

Anyway, I still hope that Ruther spends his day well and that he's happy today. He already got my birthday present yesterday so that's a relief. I spoke to him this morning and greeted him again (already did last night) but we will be chatting again tonight for sure. Miss you baby! Happy birthday!


I can't believe how expensive kids' clothes are these days. We went to the mall yesterday because I had to look for green polo shirts for the boys for an upcoming family reunion. I spied a nice green one and when I checked the tag, it was around P450!! Atrocious! Not even my shirts and blouses cost that much! And for goodness' sake, the boys will be wearing the shirt for a few months and outgrow them so why should I spend so much on a shirt that's not gonna last forever right? Sigh. Do I sound stingy? Well, it's just that I can't believe a small piece of clothing would cost more than MY clothes! It's just absurd! Now, if I were a millionaire then spending for those polo shirts would be no problem at all but well, in my present situation, just even considering buying those shirts is already a pain. Oh well, I suppose I have to do more searching in the next few days because I presently still feel disgruntled about the price of those shirts.


Now that I have short hair I finally get to experience having a "bed head". Having long hair almost all my life spared me from such an experience but now that my hair lies above my shoulders, it's so interesting to see what hairstyle I sport the moment I get out of bed. The other day I thought the top of my hair could not get any higher and this morning it looked like I slept on my left side the entire night. It was pretty funny. I'm thinking of taking a photo of my "bed head" look every morning but knowing how terrible I'll look, I guess it's just as well that I skip it and just leave those wacky hairstyles photographed in my head.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Bed Head Club!! :) I've had mine short for so long that I don't remember *not* getting bed head, but I'm sure it happened when I was little...

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Ruther! :)

Anonymous said...

(Wanted to give Ruther's birthday wish its own comment instead of lumping it in with anything else I had to say.)

Okay, enough comments on one post for me. For now. :)

Glad to "see" you again.

Becky said...

Oh, I LOVE that snow picture of you all! You guys are so good about getting family shots of ALL of you together (I'm usually the one taking our photos and so am usually left out, lol.)

I'll continue praying for you guys that you're able to finally live together permanently once and for all.

Clothing here is getting pretty expensive, too. Shoes, especially. And at the rate Jericho is growing out of his, too! His feet are bigger than mine now.

Happy Birthday, Ruther!