Friday, April 17, 2009


In case you are wondering where I was for the past few days, well, we just got back from the hospital yesterday. Remember the fever that I mentioned in a previous post? Well, it didn't want to go away (it started Friday afternoon) so by Sunday, we brought Nikki to the hospital and I requested for a complete blood count and a urinalysis. The urinalysis was okay but the CBC wasn't. His white blood cell count was too high (sign of infection), his red blood cells, hematocrit and hemoglobin was below normal.

So, he had to be admitted. He needed a transfusion but his fever refused to go away for 2 days that I was getting worried. My mom was so worried too. I think she practically contacted everyone she knew to ask them to pray for him. Ruther was worried too and I messaged him every once in a while to keep him updated. When Nikki slept and when my parents would go home with Ethan and I would be alone in the hospital, I would cry from frustration, sadness, exhaustion and despair at Nikki's condition. I just didn't know what to do anymore. But Wednesday morning he started to lose the fever with repeated sponging and he took his first transfusion. After that he just got better and better and after the second transfusion yesterday, we were allowed to leave the hospital. It was such a relief. Even if the doctors couldn't tell me what the cause of the fever was, why the fever woulnd't go away for 5 days, and why his hemoglobin, RBC and hematocrit plummeted, it was still a relief to be out of the hospital.

Although Nikki is home right now, I'm still worried about his blood. When we get to Manila tomorrow I'll have another CBC done and then if he does get normal results, only then will I start to breathe easier. We're also going to visit his hematologist (I'm going to make an appointment) and I'll be showing him the lab results during Nikki's hospitalization and hopefully he'll be able to answer any and all questions I might have about what happened to Nikki these past few days.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Wow, sounds like you've been through quite an ordeal, you poor mama. I would have been bawling my eyes out same as you, especially with Ruther being gone at the time. It's always so hard on a parent when their child is ill.

Glad Nikki's fever is gone now, and I'll pray that he'll get an all-clear with the blood work and that he's on the road to recovery.

Is it possible that with all your travel and exposure to different water supplies and things that it could be something (protozoa or parasitic) in the water? The reason I ask is that a friend of a friend of mine just adopted a little boy from Africa, and he came to the States with some sort of parasite he'd picked up from drinking water. His treatment involved stool samples and several courses of antibiotics and a couple of other types of meds until they were sure his body was rid of the parasite. As I recall, he had very similar symptoms, except that he didn't need a transfusion.
