1. enrol Nikki in swimming lessons (for May class)
2. renew PRC ID
3. get our NSO documents for our application (and to send to Ruther)
4. have photos taken for the visa application (and to send to Ruther)
5. get my transcripts from Penn Foster
6. have our annual physical check-up (and get my Intellicare health card from Ruther's office)
7. review and take the TOEIC (exam is in June)
8. order RightStart Math for Nikki and Ethan
9. purchase Ruther's shirts
10. follow-up the homeschooling program I wanted to enrol Nikki in
Of course this is not the complete list. There are still other errands and chores and things to do. But this is basically the more important stuff. There's quite a lot, isn't there? I'm now have to make a week-by-week schedule just to make sure I don't forget anything. I'll also need to review my Nihongo, read up on photography and send Ruther some stuff that he needs in Japan through the post office. I just know I'll be pretty busy next week...
Nikki seems to be having a bit of fever. It started yesterday afternoon and after he was all better that evening I thought it wouldn't recur. But this morning he was warm again so I gave him some paracetamol. I'm wiping him down from time to time to cool him and he's sitting up now beside me. He'll be eating dinner soon. Hopefully he'll be better in no time. I really don't want any of my kids to be sick. :(
Last Thursday we did the Visita Iglesia (church visit). We only had time to visit 7 churches but I suppose with the boys along, it was enough. Like most (if not all) Holy Week weather it was quite warm but not as warm as the last time we did the Visita Iglesia (2 years ago, I think). The last time I remember it was sweltering. But last Thursday it was just warm and a bit humid. Nikki had fun holding on to the point and shoot cam and just taking lots of photos. Unfortunately, the ISO setting on the cam was set to HIGH so almost all the photos were grainy. I blame myself for this booboo. I should have checked the settings before handing the cam to Nikki. But although most of the photos (almost all) were ruined, I promised him that we would go around the garden tomorrow to take photos to make up for today. He was okay with that.

Anyway, we went to churches of different barrios/barangays: San Roque, Sta. Maria, Pasonanca, Putik, Guiwan, Tetuan, and the Cathedral. We could have gone to 3 more churches but dad had to be somewhere that afternoon so it was just those seven today. The boys didn’t do much praying because they were distracted by the activities in the church (decorating, cleaning, etc.). It was okay though. As long as they didn’t run around in church and make noise, I was content.
Wow you have been busy and lots still to do by the sounds of it!
Whats the TOEIC exam?
hope Nikki is ok - I hate it when anyone in my family gets sick...
Happy Easter, Katie
You are going to be one busy lady for a while!
Happy Easter!
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