Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I don't think I could still enrol Nikki in a swim class with May coming to a close. I think we will probably be doing that in Japan instead. Hopefully, we will be able to find a class that won't cost too much. I just don't feel confident enrolling Nikki right now, especially since I have a lot of things to do at this time and we have yet to see his hematologist (which I am scheduling for next week). So swim class will have to be postponed, I'm afraid. But I'll still be searching for other activities for the boys for the next two months. Hopefully I'll be able to find something fun for them...


Ruther told me the other day that the government is giving Y12,000 per person in Japan (including foreigners) as a supplementary income payment to boost the economy. Isn't that great? I only wish the government here in the Philippines were as generous... I asked Ruther what he was going to do with the money and he immediately answered "Save it" because he had a few unexpected expenses the past month. Oh well...

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