Friday, February 04, 2011


Enzo started eating mashed bananas today. He loved it! I didn't give him much though, because I was scared he might get a tummy ache. He seemed to enjoy the flavor a lot and ate a bit. I want him to start getting used to different tastes and textures. Hopefully he won't be like Nikki and Ethan who are so picky with their food. Ruther said that was our mistake, in not letting the boys experience a variety of food at an early age. I have to admit he's right. That's one thing I suppose, I'll always regret. I just hope that it's not too late to change my boys' eating habits.


I've been thinking over and over about whether or not we should enrol Nikki in regular school. I think that he would have a difficult time adjusting, at the same time, I think the experience would do him some good. I'm just so conflicted right now. I've been searching for an online curriculum that would be good for him and so far, I think Progress Academy is the best so far. The homeschool providers here in the Philippines are too "school at home". I also want our curriculum to be secular and then we'd do Bible studies on the side. One homeschooler did blended homeschooling with her kid. In her case, she enrolled her son in a public school and continued homeschooling him. Turns out, it wasn't the perfect solution because according to her, her son started picking up bad words and got to liking music with lewd lyrics and she said that in school her son learns lessons in a short-term way and she'd have to integrate them once more with her son during homeschooling lessons. Sigh... I'm just so confused. I DO want to homeschool Nikki and I DO think he's not ready for regular school yet and I DO want him to continue with his once-a-week classes of Arts and Music. He likes them and finds them fun. Besides, it's also nice to see him interact with other kids and at the same time, discipline him when he gets too rowdy. As a parent, I can't do that in regular school. I was thinking of letting him join Home Economics and Dance class next school year but that's so uncertain now. I just know I'd be sad if Nikki starts wearing a uniform and goes to regular school and would find learning a chore. I really don't want that for him.

I just hope that Progress Academy is the right move for us. Because right now, I think that's the best option for everyone. Really, I do.

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