Monday, February 21, 2011


Enzo is now 5 months old! Wow! February is almost gone. And my baby is growing!! Gosh... He can now roll over as fast as you can snap, and today is his second day of being 5 months and he fell off the bed TWICE. That must be a record huh. Good thing they were soft falls and after checking every millimeter on his chubby body, I am so grateful he's okay. Sigh. And now, the trouble begins, I know...

Enzo could also shriek. And when I say shriek, I mean, shriek. It's his "come to me NOW" call. And you'd be crazy not to go to him. He could outlast a banshee. This boy's gotta great set of lungs. Anyway, we did take some cute photos of him sleeping with creative backgrounds like what that mom in Finland did with her baby and it was fun! I want to do more in the next few days. Hopefully, we'll get more creative and fun shots!


So I started working last Tuesday. Monday was spent reading the materials given to me so I would have an idea how to do my abstracts. They were quite informative. Anyway, the writing wasn't bad at all. I just spent some time reading the articles but after that, abstracting was easy. I just had to extract the essential points and put them together in 3 to 4 sentences. Categorizing the articles were tricky, though. There are almost a hundred categorizations from acknowledgement to reviews. I guess I need some time to familiarize myself with it all. So far, I am enjoying the work. It's easy, it's convenient and I don't have to feel guilty about not having to be with the boys. So yeah, I hope that I could continue with this work and do more abstracts so that I could really start earning.


Ruther, my sis and I watched Burlesque last night and I absolutely loved it! Cristina Aguilera has been one of my fave singers and this movie simply cemented that belief. She was just gorgeous and the numbers and choreography and songs were wonderful. Oh yeah, Kristen Bell was another fave of mine in the movie. I loved her in Veronica Mars and she's another great actress. I could go on. I think I would not mind watching this movie another time. :D


As early as now, I'm thinking of how we're going to celebrate Enzo's birthday. I know it's months from now but hey, its not easy to save. Who knows when I'll really start earning well with the abstracts. I'm on probation at this time and who knows how much abstracts I can do in a day. But I DO want to start saving for Enzo's birthday. I would want to spend half of the total cost just so I know I contributed something this time, for a change. Then I want to use the rest of the money for an out of town family trip. I think that would be a wonderful birthday celebration.

Okay, wake me up now.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I just saw some pictures of a little baby napping and the mother had set out props to make it look as though he was hanging on a clothesline with a bunch of baby items, lol.

I'd love to see the ones you took!