So I'll jump right in.
Ruther and I will be celebrating our 11th wedding anniversary tomorrow. Can you believe it? After all the ups and down in our marriage, the laughter and tears, the kisses and hugs, the memorable bonding moments we've had as a couple and a family, the separations and time apart, the taking for granted, the rollercoaster ride... here we are. Eleven years. This man has been my one and only love. And I hope that it will remain so.
Our baby is no longer a baby!! He's now babbling, and crawling, and trying to stand, and laughing, and clapping, and having separation anxiety (yikes!), and oh yeah, he likes to shake his tushie to the music. He's just growing so fast!! Here's our bundle of joy at 8 months:

Don't you just love his curly hair? Well, I do. I think it's very cute! I'm just not sure Enzo will feel the same way years from now. If he's going to be anything like his dad, he'll wish for straight hair. I just hope that he learns to love his own uniqueness and just love himself the way he is. Because I do.
There's another typhoon in the country right now. And it's not doing us any good. The other day, when it was raining non-stop, I had to mop the floor in Nikki's room because the drips from the ceiling has been really bad! If I don't check his room when it's raining, a mall pool forms in there and well, we wouldn't want that, would we? Ruther was thinking of having it fixed but we can't because a) the house next door has their roof stuck to our wall and that's where all the water comes from; b) fixing the problem will cost a lot of money and we don't have the luxury right now; and c) this is really not our home but my in-law's so I'd rather we save the money for our future home or for migrating. I just hope that it wouldn't rain as hard next time. (Who am I kidding? It's monsoon season!)
It's Ethan's birthday on Sunday!! He'll be 8 years old. Yeah, June is a busy month. We'll be going to a water resort tomorrow to celebrate so hopefully the boys will have fun there. Maybe by then the typhoon will be out of the country completely.
Here's hoping our weekend will be a fun one!!
Oh yeah, and I missed you. Missed blogging too.
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